Let’s Build Your Infrastructure!



Fuat Toptani St, Tirana, Albania

+355 69 61 40 490


The operations process in IT companies involves several essential steps. The proper completion of these steps determines the successful running of your IT infrastructure. They include monitoring (servers, applications, networks, databases, and other components) to detect issues and ensure availability; timely incident management with minimized impact on users; infrastructure change management, as well as problem management; capacity planning of future demand for IT resources; disaster recovery plan preparation to ensure that critical IT infrastructure and services can be restored in the event of a disaster; and finally, service level management which includes monitoring and reporting on service availability, performance, and reliability.

our services

How it works

We use the CIMBO process (Continuous Improving Management By Objectives) during all projects and services. MBO (Management By Objective) is based on the premise that setting clear objectives and then measuring progress against those objectives is the best way to manage and improve performance. After every performance analysis a CI (Continuous Improvement) process is activated, which may result in Objectives and/or Plan adjustment.

01. Current DevOps capabilities

First, we assess your current infrastructure management processes and requirements, identify critical and important assets that should be managed, and present potential infrastructure management pain points.

02. Work scope definition

Then you will work with your Neron Technologies team to define the work scope. You will be introduced to the operations process and activities that you will receive as part of the infrastructure management services.

03. Transition planning

We plan the transition to the Neron Technologies infrastructure management service. This includes but is not limited to, granting access to all necessary resources, definitions and policies, as well as processes and practices. At this point SLA is defined and the agreed activities get time boxed.

04. Implementation and monitoring

Then Neron Technologies start the ongoing maintenance of your platform and prepare regular reports about all the activities discussed and approved during the previous steps.

05. Review and ongoing improvement

We will continuously optimize your infrastructure management processes to improve all aspects of the infrastructure quality, cost, and characteristics.

We Carry more Than Just Good Operation Skills

Let's Build Your Infrastructure!


Why choose Infrastructure Outsourcing from Neron Technologies

The flawless infrastructure operation of your business is vital for the improvement of your performance as you develop or grow your business. Delegating these complex processes to Neron Technologies experts will ensure your scalability, reliability and competitive advantage.


Tap into the expertise of professionals who specialize in software reliability engineering (SRE). They have extensive experience in building and maintaining reliable, scalable, and efficient software systems.

Cost saving

Infrastructure Outsourcing is more cost effective than hiring an in-house SRE team. You receive a whole team of experts who can provide services at a lower cost than hiring and training an in-house team.


Infrastructure Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale up or down as needed. You can adjust the level of support based on your organization's needs, without the overhead of maintaining an in-house team.


Allow your team to focus on core business activities, such as developing new features and improving user experience, rather than spending time on system maintenance and troubleshooting.


Infrastructure Outsourcing provides increased system reliability and uptime since our Neron Technologies SRE teams have specialized tools and techniques to identify and resolve issues quickly and effectively.


Having a team of experts dedicated to managing your systems boosts protection and enhances security – proactively spotting issues and vulnerabilities as well as ensuring patches and updates are applied quickly.


We Deliver Solution with
the Goal of Trusting Relationships