Let’s Build Your Infrastructure!



Fuat Toptani St, Tirana, Albania

+355 69 61 40 490

what we offer

Your Partner for
Software Innovation

Neron Technologies is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. Whether your business is taking the next step towards transitioning to a cloud infrastructure or is in the process of building it from scratch, with us you will have a whole team of experts behind you. But that’s not all.

We can help to maintain and modernize your IT infrastructure and solve various infrastructure-specific issues a business may face.

Experience. Execution. Excellence.

What We Actually Do

We understand how a business works. We know that every client requires a proactive and personalized approach during cloud integration. That is why we aim at achieving results, not simply completing tasks.

And since we are talking optimization of the integration process, we excel in DevOps practices to enhance your IT performance.


How it works

We use the CIMBO process (Continuous Improving Management By Objectives) during all projects and services. MBO (Management By Objective) is based on the premise that setting clear objectives and then measuring progress against those objectives is the best way to manage and improve performance. After every performance analysis a CI (Continuous Improvement) process is activated, which may result in Objectives and/or Plan adjustment.

Framework definition
We will define the framework or standard that will be used during the review/assessment. A custom framework could be created, based on different standards and best practices pack.
Initial assessment
Then we move towards performing the initial review/assessment.
Action plan
After the assessment, we prepare an action plan which includes but is not limited to deliverables and activities that will be performed.
Continuous review
Neron Technologies will also review the output of the action plan execution. If needed, we will perform yet another review and define a new action plan with further steps.

Why choose it

Adopting the right DevOps practices and executing them optimally is crucial for the overall success of your software development projects. DaaS from Neron Technologies can ensure expertise and reliability that can boost your performance and profitability.

Implement DevOps successfully

DevOps implementation can be challenging, especially for organizations with complex IT environments. DevOps Consulting and Assessment can help navigate the implementation process, identify areas for improvement, and develop a customized DevOps strategy that matches your unique business needs.

Improve security

Identify and address security and compliance risks in your IT environment. Propper DevOps practices can help you build secure and compliant software by integrating security and compliance requirements into each software development and deployment stage.

Improve collaboration

Achieve better collaboration between development and operations teams, leading to faster and more efficient software delivery. By breaking down communication silos and fostering a culture of collaboration, DevOps can help achieve greater agility and flexibility in your software development processes.

Achieve scalability

DevOps consulting and assessment can help achieve better scalability and cost-effectiveness in your IT operations. Through correct DevOps practices, you can automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual errors, and optimize your infrastructure to achieve greater efficiency and cost saving.