Let’s Build Your Infrastructure!



Fuat Toptani St, Tirana, Albania

+355 69 61 40 490

about company

We've got the know-how to help you build and run your IT infrastructure

Neron Technologies is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. Whether your business is taking the next step towards transitioning to a cloud infrastructure or is in the process of building it from scratch, with us you will have a whole team of experts behind you. But that’s not all.


We understand how a business works. We know that every client requires a proactive and personalized approach during cloud integration. That is why we aim at achieving results, not simply completing tasks.


And since we are talking optimization of the integration process, we excel in DevOps practices to enhance your IT performance.

why choose us

Design the Concept of
Your Cloud Infrastructure Idea Now

DevOps and Digital Transformation
CI/CD, Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management.
Cloud Strategy and Migration
Moving to or from the Cloud, or doing a hybrid, can be a daunting task, which we make easy for you and can help you take the right decisions.
Kubernetes and Microservices
Professional and efficient management of microservices-based applications.
DevSecOps and Compliance
Integrating security practices and tools throughout the entire software development and ongoing maintenance lifecycle.
Countries Worldwide

To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment..

Happy Customers

To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment..


Why choose it

Rely on expertise

Receive expert-team support in DevOps, that provides guidance on the best practices, with experience in your industry, and offers customized solutions to meet your specific needs.

Continuos support

DevOps as-a-service ensures continuous and constant support from your Neron Technologies team – 24/7 availability of technical support and fast response times.

Integrate seamlessly

Neron Technologies will integrate the DevOps tools and services seamlessly with your existing systems, tools, and development processes.

Enhance security

Protect your data and systems through robust security protocols.

Achieve scalability

Handle the growth of your business through fast scale-up or down of the service to meet your changing needs. We provide the resources and support your need to keep pace with your development.

Achieve cost-efficiency

DaaS provides a variety of pricing models. This allows you to choose the level of service that best fits your budget and requirements.

UI/UX Design

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.

Dedicated Team

Build the product you need on time with an experienced team that uses a clear and effective design process.


Boost your software performance

Latest case studies

Introduce Our Projects

Software development outsourcing is just a tool to achieve business goals. But there is no way to get worthwhile results without cooperation and trust between a client company.

We Deliver Solution with
the Goal of Trusting Relationships

our clients

We are Trusted
15+ Countries Worldwide

Emilia Clarke
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Emilia Clarke
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Emilia Clarke
Moonkle LTD,
Client of Company
"Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."
Emilia Clarke
Manager of Company
"Patience. Infinite patience. No shortcuts. Very well thought out and articulate communication. Clear milestones, deadlines and fast work. Even if the client is being careless. The best part...always solving problems with great original ideas!."